- May I have a booth to sell food/handcrafted goods at your Relief Sale?
Every booth must be pre-approved by the West Coast Sale Board of Directors and the profits of each stand go directly to Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Contact Steven Goossen if you and/or your church congregation would like to set up a booth at our next Sale.
- Will my participation in the Relief Sale make a difference?
Yes! All profits from the WCMRS go directly to MCC, so your donations of time, money, hand-crafted items, and purchases at our Sale enable MCC to continue their work among communities around the world, improving people's lives and sharing the love of Christ. Click over to www.mcc.org to see some of the work that they are currently doing around the globe.
- May I serve as a volunteer on the Board or at the Relief Sale?
Yes! The most help is needed during the 2-day Sale. In addition, the Board meets once a month in our MCC offices in Reedley. Each board member works throughout the year to organize and ready ourselves for the Sale each April. Please contact info@westcoastmccsale.org to discuss your interests and talents so we can find together a place for you to serve with us! Every donation of time, big or small, is essential.
- Where do I donate my used books before the Sale?
The Used Books sale is located in Ashley Hall. You can call Fresno Pacific University at 559-453-2000 and ask for Ray Winter to see where and when is the best time to drop off your books.
- If the forecast is for rain and/or bad weather, will you still have the Sale?
Yes! The Sale is an annual event, much planning has gone into it. No one likes the rain or wind, but one can't go without one's annual filling of Zwiebach!
- Where can I park?
Parking is available several places. Steinert Field (Baseball Diamond) lot at the southeast corner of Hamilton and Winery, If a baseball game is in progress, FPU or Relief Sale Board does not take responsibility for broken glass on your vehicle. Additional parking spaces are located in the northwest corner of Butler and Winery. Handicap parking is available at the Hamilton Parking lot on Hamilton Avenue south of the University. Limited RV Parking (no hook-ups) is at Butler Church parking lot.
- How do I get to Fresno Pacific University?
Let Google Maps show you how to get there.
Fresno Pacific University1717 South Chestnut AveFresno, CA 93702 - Can I turn my food tickets back in for cash?
Please remember, the Relief Sale is to raise money for Mennonite Central Committee. Please consider your unused tickets as a donation. Thank you!